AI Powered, Data Driven
RepairsAI from EngageMe, is powered by cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technology. It delves deep into your repairs, asset & customer data, helping you to increase the quality of repairs, reduce unwanted repeat visits and predict & act on properties most at risk from damp & mould. The result- fewer overall visits, happier customers & increased safety & compliance.
Drive Satisfaction Up and Repeat Visits & Complaints Down
Traditionally repairs metrics have been biased towards “speed of repair”, but unnecessary repeat visits drive high numbers of complaints & disrepair claims. By understanding the drivers of repeaters & chained repairs we help you reduce unnecessary visits.
Leveraging AI For Repairs
We provide a complete end to end consultancy service to deliver positive business outcomes for your Repairs Service & Customers.
Collect & Transform
RepairsAI collects, integrates & transforms data from your existing systems in real-time, with features to address any data quality issues that may exist.
Understand & Predict
Cutting edge ML models analyse & turn your unstructured data into actionable insights, driving positive outcomes.
Additional information can be collected through the RepairsAI engagement module & build into the model.
Deploy & Act
Actionable insights are operationalised & integrated into repairs, scheduling & mobile solutions & customer engagement flows .
If you’d like more information about our features, get in touch today.
Solution Features
End to end, AI transformational capability covers the complete lifecycle from building the data model, to end user deployment.
Data Management & ETL
Cutting Edge AI & ML Models
Data Enrichment Tools
REST API Inteface
Inbuilt Customer Comms
Cloud Based
True Cloud, Fast Start, Integration Friendly, Powered By AI
RepairsAI is totally cloud based & comes with the latest integration & ETL feature to get you started quickly & help you deal with any data & integration challenges.
True Cloud Based
Open Integration
Work Smarter, Do More With Less & Be Proactive
Deliver better overall repairs & compliance outcomes & measure the customer impact.
Be Proactive
Reduced Workload
Happier Customers
Arrange a Teams Meeting & Virtual Coffee:
Get in touch for a friendly chat & learn how we can help you do more with less.